
Get started

Create a Calaméo skin

Creating a custom Calaméo skin is easy. Follow the steps below to create your very own viewer design.

Create a new CSML canvas

First, create a new CSML document on your computer using your favorite text editor. Every CSML file starts with the following header:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

The first element of your custom skin must be a root tag:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root xmlns="">

Please note the value of the xmlns attribute:

Loading a library

Before using picture and any other elements, you will need to tell Calaméo where to find them. Skin elements can be loaded from media like PNG, JPEG and GIF files.

For example, to import a media-based canvas:

<media name="mediaLib" source="" />

Place the document container

The viewer statement defines how much space is allocated to the actual publication inside the screen.

This line displays the viewer, with its margins from the sides of the screen:

<viewer left="50" right="50" top="70" bottom="100" />

This element is required.

Create some buttons

Add a layout container

First, we need to create a layout container. A CSML file can have as many layout containers as necessary.

<layout horizontalCenter="0" top="10" alignment="center">

The layout element contains one or more content elements.

See layout for more information.

Add navigation buttons

We are now ready to add some buttons to our layout container. Let's add some navigation buttons! Insert this inside your layout statement.

<layout horizontalCenter="0" top="10" alignment="center">

    <button action="previousPage" upState="swfLib#btnPreviousPage" />
    <button action="nextPage" upState="swfLib#btnNextPage" />


These buttons are very simple. They have an action and a default state upState.

The upState attribute references an element within the "swfLib" library, by its unique ID.

Creating a bitmap based button

In some cases, it is much easier to create a bitmap picture (either JPEG, PNG or GIF) containing all the graphic elements for your skin.

Once you've loaded it using the media statement, you can crop a region and use it for button states, for example.

Let's use the previously loaded bitmap canvas named "mediaLib" for our zoom button.

<layout horizontalCenter="0" top="10" alignment="center">

    <button action="previousPage" upState="swfLib#btnPreviousPage" />
    <button action="nextPage" upState="swfLib#btnNextPage" />
    <button action="fullscreen" upState="mediaLib#85,32,35,35" />


To define a region to crop, you need to specify a set of coordinates, in this order: x, y, width, height (separated by commas).

Add a submenu

Calaméo Skin Markup Language (CSML) allows you to create submenu buttons using a very simple syntax.

<layout horizontalCenter="0" top="10" alignment="center">

    <button action="previousPage" upState="swfLib#btnPreviousPage" />
    <button action="nextPage" upState="swfLib#btnNextPage" />
    <button action="fullscreen" upState="mediaLib#85,32,35,35" />
    <button action="submenu" upState="swfLib#btnSubMenu">

        <button action="book" upState="swfLib#btnBookOn" />
        <button action="slide" upState="swfLib#btnSlideOn" />



This last block displays a vertical submenu.

The complete Skin

Congratulations! You've just created your first Calaméo Skin.

Download the complete example

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root xmlns="">

  <media name="mediaLib" source="" />

  <viewer left="10" right="10" top="60" bottom="10" />

  <layout horizontalCenter="0" top="10" alignment="center">

            <button action="previousPage" upState="swfLib#btnPreviousPage" />
            <button action="nextPage" upState="swfLib#btnNextPage" />
            <button action="fullscreen" upState="mediaLib#85,32,35,35" />
            <button action="submenu" upState="swfLib#btnSubMenu">

                <button action="book" upState="swfLib#btnBookOn" />
                <button action="slide" upState="swfLib#btnSlideOn" />




Try and adapt it to your own use, tweak it to see the effect, and if you want to make more changes, continue reading for all the available attributes and elements.

Allow Calaméo to access your resources

For security reasons, Calaméo cannot access files on other websites. In order to load your CSML file and your skin elements, you have to grant Calaméo access to it.

The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header

You need to enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) for your custom skin XML and graphic resources files.

For more information on how to enable CORS, simply follow the steps detailed here:

The crossdomain.xml file

To authorize Calaméo to load elements on your website, you must place a crossdomain.xml file containing the following text at the root of your domain:

<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
    <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>
    <allow-access-from domain="*" />

Ex. : If your website is, place the crossdomain file here

You can also download the crossdomain.xml file to be placed on your server by clicking here (right click, save as "crossdomain.xml").

Customize the embed code

The HTML embed code can be customized by adding parameters to the URL in the SRC attribute of the IFRAME tag.

Global parameters

Attribute Type Default Description
mode Display mode of the publication. Can be either viewer (full-sized publication), mini (interactive thumbnail) or empty. If empty, the publication will choose the appropriate mode according to its current size
view Force the startup view of the publication. This parameter overwrite the view selected in the publication properties. Can be either book (pageflip), slide (slideshow), scroll (vertical scrolling) or empty. If empty, the view selected in the publication properties will be used
page 1 Open the publication at the specified page on startup
volume 75 Set the default publication volume for audio and video playback. From 0 to 100
language Set the publication localization. Can be either en (English), fr (French), es (Spanish), it (Italian), de (German), pt (Portuguese), ru (Russian). If empty, the publication will try to determine the most appropriate localization to use according to the user browser language
skinurl Specifies the URL of a custom skin XML file. This feature is only available to PREMIUM and PLATINUM accounts
styleurl Specifies the URL of a custom stylesheet. This feature is only available to PREMIUM and PLATINUM accounts
shareurl Specifies the URL to be shared by social networks (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). This feature is only available to PLATINUM accounts
disablehistory Disable the history management
disablemousewheel Disable the mousewheel capture
wmode Set the window parameter of the embed. Can be either window, opaque, transparent or empty
zoommode Set the default zoom mode. Can be either cursor (follow the cursor), drag (use drag and drop) or empty.
cookies true Enable or disable cookies
disabletracking false Enable or disable Google Analytics and Matomo tracking
searchexactmatch false Enable search exact matching
searchfullwords false Enable search full words matching

Mini parameters

Attribute Type Default Description
clickto public Specifies the behavior of the interactive thumbnail (mini) when the reader clicks on it. Can be either public (publication overview page on the Calaméo website), view (publication reading page on the Calaméo website), embed (open the publication directly in fullscreen), url (redirect to the URL defined by clickToUrl, only available to PLATINUM accounts) or empty
clicktourl Specifies the URL to redirect the reader to when the interactive thumbnail is clicked (only available to PLATINUM accounts)
clicktarget _self Specifies if the URL is opened in a new window or in the current window
autoflip In seconds, interval between each automatic page change (0 = no change)
allowminiskin false Enable the interactive thumbnail design customization (only available to PLATINUM accounts)
showsharemenu true Specifies if the Share menu should be displayed when the reader leaves the fullscreen mode for the mini mode. Can be either true, false or empty. If empty, the Share menu will be displayed

Design guidelines

Use media canvas to create skin graphics

This page will tell you how to create Calaméo skins with an image file, using any image editing software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, the Gimp...).

Accepted formats are: PNG (recommended), JPG and GIF.

A media canvas is one image file on which all of the desired button states or other graphical elements are found. Knowing their positions in the media canvas, you will be able to select them with the Calaméo Skins syntax. Here is a simple canvas example:


How to use it

The CSML code to extract an image is very simple:

<button action="zoom"

Let's have a look at overState="mycanvas#0,0,35,35": mycanvas refers to our media canvas file previously loaded by means of a media tag

The four coordinates are:

  • abscissa (x-coordinate): distance between the left side of the canvas and your button
  • ordinate (y-coordinate): distance between the top side of the canvas and your button
  • width of the button
  • height of the button


Common attributes


The CSML language provides many different attributes for positioning.

From the center

Attribute Type Default Description
horizontalCenter When set, if left or right is not set, the layout will be centered horizontally offset by the numeric value of this property
percentHorizontalCenter When set, if left or right is not set, the layout will be centered horizontally offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing width. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
minHorizontalCenter The minimum horizontal center location that can be applied through percentHorizontalCenter
maxHorizontalCenter The maximum horizontal center location that can be applied through percentHorizontalCenter
verticalCenter When set, if top or bottom is not set, the layout will be centered vertically offset by the numeric value of this property
percentVerticalCenter When set, if top or bottom is not set, the layout will be centered vertically offset by the value of this multiplied by to the containing height. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
minVerticalCenter The minimum vertical center location that can be applied through percentVerticalCenter
maxVerticalCenter The maximum vertical center location that can be applied through percentVerticalCenter

From the top

Attribute Type Default Description
top When set, the top of the layout will be located offset from the top of its container by the value of this property
percentTop When set, the top of the layout will be located offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing height. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
offsetTop Add additional offset to be added to the top value after it has been set
minTop The minimum top location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxTop The maximum top location that can be applied to the layout boundaries

From the bottom

Attribute Type Default Description
bottom When set, the bottom of the layout will be located offset from the bottom of its container by the value of this property
percentBottom When set, the bottom of the layout will be located offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing height. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
offsetBottom Add additional offset to be added to the bottom value after it has been set
minBottom The minimum bottom location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxBottom The maximum bottom location that can be applied to the layout boundaries

From the left

Attribute Type Default Description
left When set, the left of the layout will be located offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing width
percentLeft When set, the left of the layout will be located offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing width. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
offsetLeft Add additional offset to be added to the left value after it has been set
minLeft The minimum left location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxLeft The maximum left location that can be applied to the layout boundaries

From the right

Attribute Type Default Description
right When set, the right of the layout will be located offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing width
percentRight When set, the right of the layout will be located offset by the value of this property multiplied by the containing width. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
offsetRight Add additional offset to be added to the right value after it has been set
minRight The minimum right location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxRight The maximum right location that can be applied to the layout boundaries

Absolute positionning

Attribute Type Default Description
x Defines the x location (top left) of the layout boundary. Unlike left, x does not affect a layout's width. Once left (or percentLeft) is set, the x value no longer applies. If percentX exists when x is set, percentX will be overridden and be given a value of NaN. When a Layout is created for a display object, this is defined as the x location of that display object. The value of x itself cannot be NaN
percentX When set, the x location of the layout will be located at the value of this property multiplied by the containing width. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
minX The minimum x location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxX The maximum x location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
y Defines the y location (top left) of the layout boundary. Unlike top, y does not affect a layout's height. Once top (or percentTop) is set, the y value no longer applies. If percentY exists when y is set, percentY will be overridden and be given a value of NaN. When a Layout is created for a display object, this is defined as the y location of that display object. The value of y itself cannot be NaN
percentY When set, the y location of the layout will be located at the value of this property multiplied by the containing height. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
minY The minimum y location that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxY The maximum y location that can be applied to the layout boundaries


These attributes apply to the following statement:


The CSML language provides many different attributes to define the width and height of an element.


Attribute Type Default Description
width Defines the width of the layout boundary. Once left (or percentLeft) or right (or percentRight) is set, the width value no longer applies. If percentWidth exists when width is set, percentWidth will be overridden and be given a value of NaN. When a Layout is created for a display object, this is defined as the width of that display object.
percentWidth When set, the width of the layout will be set as the value of this property multiplied by the containing width. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%.
minWidth The minimum width that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxWidth The maximum width that can be applied to the layout boundaries


Attribute Type Default Description
height Defines the height of the layout boundary. Once top (or percentTop) or bottom (or percentBottom) is set, the height value no longer applies. If percentHeight exists when height is set, percentHeight will be overridden and be given a value of NaN. When a Layout is created for a display object, this is defined as the height of that display object. The value of height itself cannot be NaN
percentHeight When set, the height of the layout will be set as the value of this property multiplied by the containing height. A value of 0 represents 0% and 1 represents 100%
minheight The minimum height that can be applied to the layout boundaries
maxHeight The maximum height that can be applied to the layout boundaries


These attributes apply to the following statement:


The CSML language provides an easy access to manage element depth.

Depth management

Attribute Type Default Description
depth 0 A number indicating the depth of the element. The element with the higher depth is displayed over the one with a lower one


These attributes apply to the following statement:


The CSML language provides an easy access to define elements' background.

Attribute Type Default Description
backgroundColor 0x000000 Background color
backgroundAlpha 1.0 Transparency of the background color. Between 0 and 1
backgroundSymbol A library symbol to use as background. This graphic resource will be stretched to fit the container size
cornerRadius 0 In pixels (0 = none)


These attributes apply to the following statement:


The tooltip attributes allows you to customize the tooltip behavior.

Attribute type Default Description
tooltip Specifies the tooltip mode for the element. It can be either empty, no or label


Value Description
(empty) The default text (or the custom one if defined) is displayed as a tooltip
no No tooltip is displayed at all
label The text is displayed in a text field named "label" in the flash graphic resource
left The text is displayed on the left side of the button graphic resource (useful for designing menus)
right The text is displayed on the right side of the button graphic resource (useful for designing menus)
top The text is displayed above the button graphic resource (useful for designing menus)
bottom The text is displayed below the button graphic resource (useful for designing menus)

Defining a custom tooltip text

To define a tooltip text for an element, simply put it in a CDATA section, between the opening and closing statements.

This allows you to easily translate the viewer tooltips into your own language, if it is not already available on Calaméo.


<button action="search" upState="myotherskin#btnSearchOn">
      <![CDATA[Look for something? Click here]]>

You should consider using the UTF-8 character set.


These attributes apply to the following statement:



The root element represents the viewer content area.


Attribute Type Default Description
Background See the Background attributes reference


The viewer element displays the interactive document itself.


Attribute Type Default Description
Positioning See the Position attributes reference
Sizing See the Size attributes reference
Depth See the Depth attribute reference
Background See the Background attributes reference
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference


The layout element is used to create containers.


Attribute Type Default Description
Positioning See the Position attributes reference
Sizing See the Size attributes reference
Depth See the Depth attribute reference
Background See the Background attributes reference
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference
orientation horizontal Specifies the distribution of children elements. It can be either vertical or horizontal
alignment top,left Specifies the position of children elements within the container. A mix of top, middle, bottom (for vertical alignment) with left, center, right (for horizontal alignment)
spacer 0 Specifies the default spaces in pixels between each child


A layout can contain any of the following elements:

A layout must contain at least one child element.

User interface


A button is used inside a layout to trigger an action when the user clicks on it.


Attribute Type Default Description
tooltip See the Tooltip attributes reference
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference
action Required. Define the click action. See the available actions
upState Required. Default aspect. Referencing a media or library graphic resource
downState Aspect of the button when pressed. Referencing media or library graphic resource
overState Aspect when cursor is over the button. Referencing media or library graphic resource
disabledState Aspect when the button is disabled. Referencing media or library graphic resource

A button element must be placed inside a layout element.

If a state is missing, upState is used instead.


You can build submenus by adding other buttons as children elements and by using the submenu action.

The following additional attributes are then available:

Attribute Type Default Description
orientation vertical Specifies the way the submenu items are distributed. It can be either horizontal or vertical
spacer 0 Sets the space in pixels between the button's children. If not specified, the parent layout spacer value is used instead
backgroundColor 0x000000 Sets the submenu's background color
borderColor 0x000000 Sets the submenu's border color
borderSize 0 Sets the border's thickness in pixels
cornerRadius 0 Sets the border corner's roundness (in pixels, 0 being square corners)
horizontalMargin 0 Sets the margin between the side borders and the submenu's content
verticalMargin 0 Sets the margin between the top and bottom borders and the submenu's content


This element is used to display any content from a media or library.


Attribute Type Default Description
Positioning See the Position attributes reference
Sizing See the Size attributes reference
Depth See the Depth attribute reference
Background See the Background attributes reference
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference
symbol Reference a library graphic resource
source Absolute URL of a media to use. Supported media are JPEG, GIF, PNG and SWF
autoResize Scale the loaded graphic resource to fit the element size. It can be either true or false
maintainAspectRatio If autoResize is enabled, specifies if the resize should respect the graphic resource width/height ratio. It can be either true or false
url Absolute URL to display when the user clicks on the element

You can display some basic HTML inside an element by adding a child CDATA node to it:

	 <![CDATA[Insert HTML code here]]>

The logo element allows you to customize the position of the logo graphic resource specified in the publication properties.


Attribute Type Default Description
Positioning See the Position attributes reference
Sizing See the Size attributes reference
Depth See the Depth attribute reference
Background See the Background attributes reference
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference
symbol Reference a library graphic resource
source Absolute URL of a media to use. Supported media are JPEG, GIF, PNG and SWF.
autoResize Scale the loaded graphic resource to fit the element size. It can be either true or false
maintainAspectRatio true If autoResize is enabled, specifies if the resize should respect the graphic resource width/height ratio. It can be either true or false.


The slider element displays a slider component to change the current page, volume or zoom level.


Attribute Type Default Description
Positioning See the Position attributes reference
Sizing See the Size attributes reference
Depth See the Depth attribute reference
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference
type Either pages, zoom or volume
orientation horizontal Either vertical or horizontal
size In pixels. If absent, the slider size will adapt itself to the container
bg Specifies a graphic resources from a library or a media canvas to use as slider background. The graphic resource will be stretched to the slider size
level Specifies a graphic resources from a library or a media canvas to use as slider level indicator. The graphic resource will be stretched to the level size
shiftStart Shift in pixel of the origin point of the slider button. This attribute is used to constrain the slider button inside the slider background
shiftEnd Shift in pixel of the maximum point of the slider button. This attribute is used to constrain the slider button inside the slider background

The slider element can contain a button element which will define the draggable slider icon.


The spacer element allows you to add empty spaces between two layout children.


Attribute Type Default Description
size 0 The size in pixels of the empty space
flex 0 Numerical value that represents the proportion of the available space that the spacer will be allotted

A spacer element must be placed inside a layout element.


The pageNumber element may be used for displaying which page of the document is currently being viewed as well as the total number of pages in the document.

The user may also jump to a different page by entering a new page number into the text field and pressing the Enter key.


Attribute Type Default Description
Behaviors See the Behaviors attribute reference
showCurrent true Specifies if the text field with the page number currently being viewed is displayed. It can be either true or false
showTotal true Specifies if the total number of pages in the document is displayed. It can be either true or false
editable true Specify if the text field is editable. If the text field is not editable, the current page number will be displayed as simple text. It can be either true or false
color 0x000000 Color for the elements' texts
size 12 Specifies the size in pixels of the texts of the element
font _sans Specifies the fonts (comma-separated list) to use for the texts of the element. The first font of the list found on the user's system will be used
align right Specifies the alignment of the text in the page number field. Either left, center or right

A pageNumber element must be placed inside a layout element.


Built-in Library

You can access the Calaméo viewer built-in graphic resources by using the library _ (underscore):

<button action="..." upState="_#gfxButtonTwitterOff">


Before using pictures and other elements, you will need to tell Calaméo where to find them. Skin elements can be loaded from media like PNG, JPEG and GIF files.


Attribute Description
name A string which will be used to reference the media
source The absolute URL of the graphic resource to load


<media name="lib" source="" />

Using a media canvas

When using a media canvas, you are not accessing referenced assets like in Flash-based libraries. A media asset is extracted from a defined region of the canvas.

The format is lib#x,y,w,h with:

  • x = distance between the left side of the canvas and your button
  • y = distance between the top side of the canvas and your button
  • w = width of the button
  • h = height of the button

For instance:

<media name="lib" source="" />
<button action="..." upState="lib#0,0,35,35" />


Let's have a look at:


lib refers to our media file previously loaded by means of a media element.

  • x = 30
  • y = 30
  • w = 60
  • h = 50


The Calaméo Skin Markup Language (CSML) allows you to completely change the look and feel of all the viewer features using Calaméo Skin Styles (CSS). For example, you can modify the appearance of external links, customize the related publications pop-up and use your own cursor icon.

Make sure to check the "Common attributes" for the features you wish to change.

How to add a Calaméo Skin Stylesheet to your publication

There are currently 2 ways to add Calaméo Skin Styles (CSS) to your publications:

  • via an URL parameter
  • via a skin

Using an URL parameter

You can specify a styleurl parameter in the HTML embed code that links to your Calaméo Skin Stylesheet (using an absolute URL).


<iframe src="//"></iframe>

Don't forget to place a crossdomain.xml file with the correct permissions at the root level of the domain used in your CSS URL.

Using a Calaméo skin

To include a Calaméo Skin Stylesheet in your Calaméo Skin, simply use the tag styles.

You can either place your styles in a CDATA inside the content of the tag like this:


Or use an external Calaméo Skin Stylesheet specified in a source attribute like this:

<styles source=""></styles>

You can also combine both techniques like this:

<styles source="">

Don't forget to place a crossdomain.xml file with the correct permissions at the root level of the domain used in your CSS URL.


These styles define foundations for look and feel of the viewer.


All the texts in the viewer inherit from this formatting.

Attribute Type Default Description
common.text.font _sans Font name
common.text.size 12 Font size
common.text.color 0x000000 Font color
common.text.bold Bold
common.text.italic Italic


These styles define context management configuration for the viewer.


Attribute Type Default Description
common.context.margin.popup 8 Margin for popups and other UI elements
common.context.margin.tooltip 8 Margin for the tooltips
common.context.margin.zoom 0 Margin for the zoom mode

Minimum screen size to automatically switch to mini mode when no mode is defined

Attribute Type Default Description 300 Minimum width 240 Minimum height


Attribute Type Default Description
common.context.resize.delay 200 Delay before resizing the viewer context


Attribute Type Default Description
common.context.zoom.max 450 Maximum percent value


These styles define context management configuration for the viewer.


Attribute Type Default Description
context.margin.popup 5 Margin for popups and other UI elements
context.margin.zoom 0 Margin for the zoom mode


Attribute Type Default Description
context.resize.delay 200 Delay before resizing the viewer context


These styles define the look and feel of thumbnail, scroll, slide and publication views in the viewer.


This parameter defines an icon to show when a page display error occurs.

Attribute Type Default Description _#gfxIconError Resource from a loaded library

Drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description 0x000000 Shadow color 8 Shadow size in pixels 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Slide view

These styles define the look and feel of the slide view.

Drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description 0x000000 Shadow color 8 Shadow size in pixels 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Scroll view

These styles define the look and feel of the scroll view.

Drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description 0x000000 Shadow color 8 Shadow size in pixels 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Publication view

These styles define the publication (pageflip) view look and feel.

Attribute Type Default Description 0.5 Centerfold shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1 0.0 Centerfold shadow transparency when zoomed. Between 0 and 1

Drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description 0x000000 Shadow color 8 Shadow size in pixels 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Thumbnails view

These styles define the look and feel of the thumbnails view.

Attribute Type Default Description
views.thumbnails.maxscreens 5 Maximum number of thumbnail rows displayed
views.thumbnails.width 80 Width of thumbnail in pixels. (Height will be calculated according to publication aspect ratio)
views.thumbnails.hmargin 16 Horizontal padding in pixels
views.thumbnails.vmargin 8 Vertical padding in pixels

Thumbnail page numbers

Attribute Type Default Description
views.thumbnails.text.font _sans Font name
views.thumbnails.text.size 12 Font size
views.thumbnails.text.color 0x000000 Font color
views.thumbnails.text.bold Bold
views.thumbnails.text.italic Italic

Thumbnail drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
views.thumbnails.shadow.color 0x000000 Thumbnail drop shadow color
views.thumbnails.shadow.size 8 Thumbnail drop shadow size in pixels
views.thumbnails.shadow.angle 45 Thumbnail drop shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
views.thumbnails.shadow.alpha 0.5 Thumbnail drop shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Thumbnail highlighter

Attribute Type Default Description
views.thumbnails.hiliter.color 0x4BA9E0 Color of mouse-over thumbnail border highlight
views.thumbnails.hiliter.selectcolor 0x82C12B Color of selected thumbnail border highlight
views.thumbnails.hiliter.size 4 Thickness of thumbnail border highlight in pixels

Thumbnail buttons

Attribute Type Default Description
views.thumbnails.button.left.up _#gfxIndexButtonBackgroundLeft Up state of Left thumbnail page navigation button
views.thumbnails.button.left.over _#gfxIndexButtonBackgroundLeftHover Over state of Left thumbnail page navigation button
views.thumbnails.button.left.down _#gfxIndexButtonBackgroundLeftDown Down state of Left thumbnail page navigation button
views.thumbnails.button.right.up _#gfxIndexButtonBackgroundRight Up state of Right thumbnail page navigation button
views.thumbnails.button.right.over _#gfxIndexButtonBackgroundRightHover Over state of Right thumbnail page navigation button
views.thumbnails.button.right.down _#gfxIndexButtonBackgroundRightDown Down state of Right thumbnail page navigation button


These styles define the look and feel of all contextual tooltips in the viewer.

Common styles

All the tooltips inherit from these styles.

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.common.verticalmargin 4 Vertical padding
tooltips.common.horizontalmargin 4 Horizontal padding
tooltips.common.maxwidth 150 Maximum width for a tooltip in pixels
tooltips.common.tipsize 8 Size of the tip (0 = no tip)
tooltips.common.delay 0.5 Delay before displaying the tooltip


Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.common.background.color 0x000000 Background color
tooltips.common.background.alpha 0.9 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1


Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.common.border.color 0x000000 Border color
tooltips.common.border.size 0 Border thickness
tooltips.common.border.alpha 1 Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.common.shadow.color 0x000000 Shadow color
tooltips.common.shadow.size 8 Shadow size in pixels
tooltips.common.shadow.angle 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
tooltips.common.shadow.alpha 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1


Formats the tooltip label.

Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.common.text.font Font name
tooltips.common.text.size 11 Font size
tooltips.common.text.color 0xFFFFFF Font color
tooltips.common.text.bold Bold
tooltips.common.text.italic Italic


Use these styles to configure the tooltip transitions.

Showing the tooltip
Attribute Type Default Description 0.5 Duration of the transition in seconds (0 = no transition)
Moving the tooltip
Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.common.transition.move.duration 0 Duration of the transition in seconds (0 = no transition)


Action tooltips are shown when the user place the cursor over a button.

Inherit from tooltips.common

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.action.verticalmargin 5 Vertical padding
tooltips.action.horizontalmargin 5 Horizontal padding
tooltips.action.maxwidth 150 Maximum width for a tooltip in pixels
tooltips.action.tipsize 8 Size of the tip (0 = no tip)


Inherit from tooltips.common.background

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.action.background.color Background color
tooltips.action.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1


Inherit from tooltips.common.border

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.action.border.color Border color
tooltips.action.border.size Border thickness
tooltips.action.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Drop shadow

Inherit from tooltips.common.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.action.shadow.color 0x000000 Shadow color
tooltips.action.shadow.size 4 Shadow size in pixels
tooltips.action.shadow.angle Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
tooltips.action.shadow.alpha 0.3 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1


Formats the label.

Inherit from tooltips.common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
tooltips.action.text.font Font name
tooltips.action.text.size 11 Font size
tooltips.action.text.color 0xCCCCCC Font color
tooltips.action.text.bold Bold
tooltips.action.text.italic Italic

Page previews

Page preview tooltips are shown when the user places the cursor over an internal link or a button that triggers an page action (see Button actions).

Inherit from tooltips.common

Attribute Type Default Description 8 Vertical padding 8 Horizontal padding 150 Maximum width for a tooltip in pixels 8 Size of the tip (0 = no tip)


Inherit from tooltips.common.background

Attribute Type Default Description Background color 0.7 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1


Inherit from tooltips.common.border

Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Drop shadow

Inherit from tooltips.common.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description 0x000000 Shadow color 8 Shadow size in pixels Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1


Formats the page preview thumbnails.

Attribute Type Default Description 75 Thumbnail width in pixels. The height of the thumbnail will be calculated according to the publication aspect ratio


Links tooltips are shown when the user places the cursor over an external link or a button that triggers a URL action (see Button actions).

Inherit from tooltips.common

Attribute Type Default Description 5 Vertical margin 5 Horizontal margin 150 Maximum width for a tooltip in pixels 8 Size of the tip (0 = no tip)

Background //

Inherit from tooltips.common.background

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1


Inherit from tooltips.common.border

Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Drop shadow

Inherit from tooltips.common.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description 0x000000 Shadow color Shadow size in pixels Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1


Formats the external link label.

Inherit from tooltips.common.text

Attribute Type Default Description Font name 12 Font size 0xCCCCCC Font color true Bold Italic


Formats the external link URL.

Inherit from tooltips.common.text

Attribute Type Default Description Font name 11 Font size 0x666666 Font color Bold Italic


These styles apply to all the viewer input fields such as pageNumbers or the search query field.

Attribute Type Default Description
fields.margin 4 Internal padding

Text format

Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
fields.text.font Font name
fields.text.size Font size
fields.text.color Font color
fields.text.bold Bold
fields.text.italic Italic


Attribute Type Default Description
fields.border.color Border color
fields.border.size Border thickness
fields.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1
fields.border.radius Corner radius in pixels.


Attribute Type Default Description
fields.background.color Background color
fields.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1

Disabled format

Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
fields.disabled.font Font name
fields.disabled.size Font size
fields.disabled.color 0x555555 Font color
fields.disabled.bold Bold
fields.disabled.italic Italic

Placeholder format

Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
fields.placeholder.font Font name
fields.placeholder.size Font size
fields.placeholder.color 0x999999 Font color
fields.placeholder.bold Bold
fields.placeholder.italic Italic


Styles that define the cursor's behavior.

Attribute Type Default Description
cursors.zoomin _#gfxCursorIconZoomIn Resource for the "zoom in" cursor
cursors.zoomout _#gfxCursorIconZoomOut Resource for the "zoom out" cursor
cursors.zoomdrag _#gfxCursorHandGrab Resource for the "hand" cursor
cursors.zoomdragging _#gfxCursorHandGrabbing Resource for the "hand dragging" cursor


Defines the mouse drag-and-drop scrolling.


Attribute Type Default Description 2 Distance threshold in pixels 300 Duration threshold in milliseconds (ms)


Attribute Type Default Description
scroller.mousewheel.speed 6 Mouse wheel speed


Attribute Type Default Description
scroller.inertia.speed 500 Inertia speed (higher number = slower)
scroller.inertia.acceleration 15 Acceleration of the scroller
scroller.inertia.deceleration 30 Deceleration of the scroller
scroller.inertia.friction 1 Friction of the scroller


Attribute Type Default Description
scroller.bounce.duration 0.3 Bounce's transition duration in seconds
scroller.bounce.friction 5 Bounce's friction


These styles define the look and feel of all scroll bars in the viewer.

Horizontal slider

Attribute Type Default Description
sliders.horizontal.background _#gfxScrollbarBackgroundH Slider background


Attribute Type Default Description
sliders.horizontal.button.up _#gfxScrollbarSliderHOff Button Up state
sliders.horizontal.button.over _#gfxScrollbarSliderHHover Button Over state
sliders.horizontal.button.down _#gfxScrollbarSliderHDown Button Down state
sliders.horizontal.button.disabled _#gfxScrollbarSliderHDisabled Button Disabled state

Vertical slider

Attribute Type Default Description
sliders.vertical.background _#gfxScrollbarBackgroundV Slider background


Attribute Type Default Description
sliders.vertical.button.up _#gfxScrollbarSliderVOff Button Up state
sliders.vertical.button.over _#gfxScrollbarSliderVHover Button Over state
sliders.vertical.button.down _#gfxScrollbarSliderVDown Button Down state
sliders.vertical.button.disabled _#gfxScrollbarSliderVDisabled Button Disabled state

Loading slider for pages

Attribute Type Default Description
sliders.loading.background _#gfxLoadingBackgroundH Slider background
sliders.loading.level _#gfxLoadingPlayedH Slider level

These styles define the look and feel of all links in the publication, including external links, internal links, video and audio links.

Common links styles

All links inherit from these styles

Flash when the link is activated

Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.flash.transition.duration 2.5 Duration of the flash when links are activated (0 = none)

Up states

Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.up.background.color 0x82C0FF Background color
links.common.up.background.alpha 0 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.up.border.color 0x82C0FF Border color
links.common.up.border.size 2 Border thickness
links.common.up.border.alpha 0 Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.over.background.color 0x82C0FF Background color
links.common.over.background.alpha 0.2 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.over.border.color 0x82C0FF Border color
links.common.over.border.size 2 Border thickness
links.common.over.border.alpha 1 Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.down.background.color 0x93FA87 Background color
links.common.down.background.alpha 0.3 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.down.border.color 0x93FA87 Border color
links.common.down.border.size 2 Border thickness
links.common.down.border.alpha 1 Border transparency. Between 0 and 1


Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.icon.alpha 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.icon.color 0xFFFFFF Icon color
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.icon.background.color 0x000000 Background color
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.icon.border.color 0xFFFFFF Border color
links.common.icon.border.size 0 Border thickness
links.common.icon.border.alpha 1 Border transparency. Between 0 and 1
links.common.icon.border.radius 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.common.icon.shadow.color 0x000000 Shadow color
links.common.icon.shadow.size 8 Shadow size in pixels
links.common.icon.shadow.angle 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
links.common.icon.shadow.alpha 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

External links



Inherit from links.common.icon.alpha

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.icon.alpha 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.color

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.icon.color Icon color

Inherit from links.common.icon.background

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.icon.background.color Background color

Inherit from links.common.icon.border

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.icon.border.color Border color
links.extern.icon.border.size Border thickness
links.extern.icon.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1
links.extern.icon.border.radius 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.icon.shadow.color Shadow color
links.extern.icon.shadow.size Shadow size in pixels
links.extern.icon.shadow.angle Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
links.extern.icon.shadow.alpha 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.up.background.color Background color
links.extern.up.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.up.border.color Border color
links.extern.up.border.size Border thickness
links.extern.up.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.over.background.color Background color
links.extern.over.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.over.border.color Border color
links.extern.over.border.size Border thickness
links.extern.over.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.down.background.color Background color
links.extern.down.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.extern.down.border.color Border color
links.extern.down.border.size Border thickness
links.extern.down.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Internal links



Inherit from links.common.icon.alpha

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.icon.alpha 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.color

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.icon.color Icon color

Inherit from links.common.icon.background

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.icon.background.color Background color

Inherit from links.common.icon.border

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.icon.border.color Border color
links.intern.icon.border.size Border thickness
links.intern.icon.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1
links.intern.icon.border.radius 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.icon.shadow.color Shadow color
links.intern.icon.shadow.size Shadow size in pixels
links.intern.icon.shadow.angle Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
links.intern.icon.shadow.alpha Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.up.background.color Background color
links.intern.up.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.up.border.color Border color
links.intern.up.border.size Border thickness
links.intern.up.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.over.background.color Background color
links.intern.over.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.over.border.color Border color
links.intern.over.border.size Border thickness
links.intern.over.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.down.background.color Background color
links.intern.down.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.intern.down.border.color Border color
links.intern.down.border.size Border thickness
links.intern.down.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Focus links (Zoom Zone)

Focus opening

Attribute Type Default Description click Event that triggers the focus opening. Either click or over 0.5 Zoom in speed in seconds (0 = no transition)

Focus closing

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.close.trigger over Event the triggers the focus closing. Either click or over
links.focus.close.speed 0.3 Zoom out speed in seconds (0 = no transition)

Focus background

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.background.color 0x000000 Background color
links.focus.background.alpha 0.5 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.up.background.color Background color
links.focus.up.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.up.border.color Border color
links.focus.up.border.size Border thickness
links.focus.up.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.over.background.color Background color
links.focus.over.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.over.border.color Border color
links.focus.over.border.size Border thickness
links.focus.over.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.down.background.color Background color
links.focus.down.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.down.border.color Border color
links.focus.down.border.size Border thickness
links.focus.down.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Publication overlay

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.overlay.color 0x000000 Overlay color
links.focus.overlay.alpha 0.5 Overlay transparency. Betnween 0 and 1
links.focus.overlay.blur true Blur the publication. Either true or false

Drop shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
links.focus.shadow.color 0x000000 Shadow color
links.focus.shadow.size 8 Shadow size in pixels
links.focus.shadow.angle 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
links.focus.shadow.alpha 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Media link

Attribute Type Default Description _#gfxLoadingAnimation Resource displayed while loading the media

Audio links



Inherit from links.common.icon.alpha

Attribute Type Default Description 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.color

Attribute Type Default Description Icon color

Inherit from links.common.icon.background

Attribute Type Default Description Background color

Inherit from links.common.icon.border

Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description Shadow color Shadow size in pixels Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Video links



Inherit from links.common.icon.alpha

Attribute Type Default Description 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.color

Attribute Type Default Description Icon color

Inherit from links.common.icon.background

Attribute Type Default Description Background color

Inherit from links.common.icon.border

Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description Shadow color Shadow size in pixels Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Video thumbnail

Attribute Type Default Description _#gfxLoadingAnimation Resource displayed while loading the media (thumbnail or video) 1 Thumbnail transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description 0.5 Transition duration in seconds (0 = no transition)

Shopping links



Inherit from links.common.icon.alpha

Attribute Type Default Description 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.color

Attribute Type Default Description Icon color

Inherit from links.common.icon.background

Attribute Type Default Description Background color

Inherit from links.common.icon.border

Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description Shadow color Shadow size in pixels Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description Background color Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description Border color Border thickness Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Integration links



Inherit from links.common.icon.alpha

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.icon.alpha 1 Icon opacity. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.color

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.icon.color Icon color

Inherit from links.common.icon.background

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.icon.background.color Background color

Inherit from links.common.icon.border

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.icon.border.color Border color
links.integration.icon.border.size Border thickness
links.integration.icon.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1
links.integration.icon.border.radius 1 Border radius. Between 0 and 1

Inherit from links.common.icon.shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.icon.shadow.color Shadow color
links.integration.icon.shadow.size Shadow size in pixels
links.integration.icon.shadow.angle Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
links.integration.icon.shadow.alpha Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Up state

Inherit from links.common.up

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.up.background.color Background color
links.integration.up.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.up.border.color Border color
links.integration.up.border.size Border thickness
links.integration.up.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Over state

Inherit from links.common.over

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.over.background.color Background color
links.integration.over.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.over.border.color Border color
links.integration.over.border.size Border thickness
links.integration.over.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1

Down state

Inherit from links.common.down

Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.down.background.color Background color
links.integration.down.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1
Attribute Type Default Description
links.integration.down.border.color Border color
links.integration.down.border.size Border thickness
links.integration.down.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1


Styles that define audio related behaviors.

Attribute Type Default Description
sounds.fx.flip _#sfxPageFlip Pageflip sound FX

Audio player

These styles define the look and feel of the embedded audio player.

Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.display true Display the audio player
audioplayer.position bottom,center Position of the audio player. Either top, middle or bottom (vertical position) and left, center or right (horizontal position)


Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.label.font Font name
audioplayer.label.size Font size
audioplayer.label.color 0xFFFFFF Font color
audioplayer.label.bold Bold
audioplayer.label.italic Italic



Attribute Type Default Description _#gfxButtonPlayOff Button Up state _#gfxButtonPlayHover Button Over state _#gfxButtonPlayDown Button Down state _#gfxButtonPlayDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.buttons.pause.up _#gfxButtonPauseOff Button Up state
audioplayer.buttons.pause.over _#gfxButtonPauseHover Button Over state
audioplayer.buttons.pause.down _#gfxButtonPauseDown Button Down state
audioplayer.buttons.pause.disabled _#gfxButtonPauseDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.buttons.volume.up _#gfxButtonVolumeOff Button Up state
audioplayer.buttons.volume.over _#gfxButtonVolumeHover Button Over state
audioplayer.buttons.volume.down _#gfxButtonVolumeDown Button Down state
audioplayer.buttons.volume.disabled _#gfxButtonVolumeDisabled Button Disabled state



Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.sliders.playback.height 8 Playback slider height in pixels
audioplayer.sliders.playback.background _#gfxSliderBackgroundH Resource from a loaded library
audioplayer.sliders.playback.level _#gfxSliderPlayedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the played part
audioplayer.sliders.playback.loaded _#gfxSliderLoadedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the loaded part
Playback slider button
Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.sliders.playback.button.up _#gfxProgressBarSliderHOff Button Up state
audioplayer.sliders.playback.button.over _#gfxProgressBarSliderHHover Button Over state
audioplayer.sliders.playback.button.down _#gfxProgressBarSliderHDown Button Down state
audioplayer.sliders.playback.button.disabled _#gfxProgressBarSliderHDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.sliders.volume.height 4 Playback slider height in pixels
audioplayer.sliders.volume.background _#gfxSliderBackgroundH Resource from a loaded library
audioplayer.sliders.volume.level _#gfxSliderPlayedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the played part
audioplayer.sliders.volume.loaded _#gfxSliderLoadedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the loaded part
Volume slider button
Attribute Type Default Description
audioplayer.sliders.volume.button.up _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHOff Button Up state
audioplayer.sliders.volume.button.over _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHHover Button Over state
audioplayer.sliders.volume.button.down _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHDown Button Down state
audioplayer.sliders.volume.button.disabled _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHDisabled Button Disabled state

Video player

These styles define the look and feel of the embedded video player

Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.margin 4 Margin used to position all the video player controls
videoplayer.radius 8 Corner radius for the video player


Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.label.font Font name
videoplayer.label.size Font size
videoplayer.label.color 0xFFFFFF Font color
videoplayer.label.bold Bold
videoplayer.label.italic Italic


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.background.color 0x000000 Background color
videoplayer.background.alpha 0.8 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1


Showing the video player controls

Attribute Type Default Description 0.5 Transition duration in seconds (0 = no transition)

Hiding the video player controls

Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.transition.hide.duration 0.3 Transition duration in seconds (0 = no transition)

Fullscreen mode


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.fullscreen.background.color 0x000000 Background color
videoplayer.fullscreen.background.alpha Background transparency. Between 0 and 1

Notification displayed when the video cannot be loaded

Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.error.icon _gfxIconError


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.error.background.color 0x000000 Background color
videoplayer.error.background.alpha 0.75 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1


Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.error.text.font Font name
videoplayer.error.text.size 9 Font size
videoplayer.error.text.color 0xCCCCCC Font color
videoplayer.error.text.bold Bold
videoplayer.error.text.italic Italic



Attribute Type Default Description _#gfxButtonPlayOff Button Up state _#gfxButtonPlayHover Button Over state _#gfxButtonPlayDown Button Down state _#gfxButtonPlayDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.buttons.pause.up _#gfxButtonPauseOff Button Up state
videoplayer.buttons.pause.over _#gfxButtonPauseHover Button Over state
videoplayer.buttons.pause.down _#gfxButtonPauseDown Button Down state
videoplayer.buttons.pause.disabled _#gfxButtonPauseDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.buttons.volume.up _#gfxButtonVolumeOff Button Up state
videoplayer.buttons.volume.over _#gfxButtonVolumeHover Button Over state
videoplayer.buttons.volume.down _#gfxButtonVolumeDown Button Down state
videoplayer.buttons.volume.disabled _#gfxButtonVolumeDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.buttons.fullscreen.up _#gfxButtonFullscreenOff Button Up state
videoplayer.buttons.fullscreen.over _#gfxButtonFullscreenHover Button Over state
videoplayer.buttons.fullscreen.down _#gfxButtonFullscreenDown Button Down state
videoplayer.buttons.fullscreen.disabled _#gfxButtonFullscreenDisabled Button Disabled state

Exit fullscreen

Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.buttons.exitfullscreen.up _#gfxButtonExitFullscreenOff Button Up state
videoplayer.buttons.exitfullscreen.over _#gfxButtonExitFullscreenHover Button Over state
videoplayer.buttons.exitfullscreen.down _#gfxButtonExitFullscreenDown Button Down state
videoplayer.buttons.exitfullscreen.disabled _#gfxButtonExitFullscreenDisabled Button Disabled state



Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.sliders.playback.height 8 Playback slider height in pixels
videoplayer.sliders.playback.background _#gfxBarBackgroundH Resource from a loaded library
videoplayer.sliders.playback.level _#gfxBarPlayedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the played part
videoplayer.sliders.playback.loaded _#gfxBarLoadedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the loaded part
Playback slider button
Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.sliders.playback.button.up _#gfxProgressBarSliderHOff Button Up state
videoplayer.sliders.playback.button.over _#gfxProgressBarSliderHHover Button Over state
videoplayer.sliders.playback.button.down _#gfxProgressBarSliderHDown Button Down state
videoplayer.sliders.playback.button.disabled _#gfxProgressBarSliderHDisabled Button Disabled state


Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.sliders.volume.height 4 Playback slider height in pixels
videoplayer.sliders.volume.background _#gfxSliderBackgroundH Resource from a loaded library
videoplayer.sliders.volume.level _#gfxSliderPlayedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the played part
videoplayer.sliders.volume.loaded _#gfxSliderLoadedH Resource from a loaded library displaying the loaded part
Volume slider button
Attribute Type Default Description
videoplayer.sliders.volume.button.up _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHOff Button Up state
videoplayer.sliders.volume.button.over _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHHover Button Over state
videoplayer.sliders.volume.button.down _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHDown Button Down state
videoplayer.sliders.volume.button.disabled _#gfxVolumeBarSliderHDisabled Button Disabled state


These styles define the look and feel of popups, including table of contents, related publications and search.

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.verticalmargin 8 Vertical padding
popups.horizontalmargin 8 Horizontal padding
popups.spacer 0 Space between children in pixels
popups.tipsize 8 Tip size in pixels (0 = no tip)


Attribute Type Default Description
popups.lightmode.threshold.width 300 Lightmode width threshold
popups.lightmode.threshold.height 300 Lightmode height threshold

Popup title format

Formats the popup title.

Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.title.font Font name
popups.title.size 14 Font size
popups.title.color 0xFFFFFF Font color
popups.title.bold true Bold
popups.title.italic Italic

Content text format

Formats the popup text content.

Inherit from common.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.text.font Font name
popups.text.size Font size
popups.text.color 0xFFFFFF Font color
popups.text.bold Bold
popups.text.italic Italic

Menu items

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.items.verticalmargin 4 Vertical padding
popups.items.horizontalmargin 4 Horizontal padding

Item icon

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.items.tooltip.spacer 8 Space between the icon and the tooltip
popups.items.tooltip.position right Default position of the icon (left, right, top, bottom)

Up text format

Formats the up state popup text content.

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.items.up.font Font name
popups.items.up.size Font size
popups.items.up.color 0xEEEEEE Font color
popups.items.up.bold Bold
popups.items.up.italic Italic

Over text format

Formats the over state popup text content.

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.items.over.font Font name
popups.items.over.size Font size
popups.items.over.color 0xFFFFFF Font color
popups.items.over.bold Bold
popups.items.over.italic Italic

Down text format

Formats the down state popup text content.

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.items.down.font Font name
popups.items.down.size Font size
popups.items.down.color 0xAAAAAA Font color
popups.items.down.bold Bold
popups.items.down.italic Italic

Disabled text format

Formats the disabled state popup text content.

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.items.disabled.font Font name
popups.items.disabled.size Font size
popups.items.disabled.color 0x666666 Font color
popups.items.disabled.bold Bold
popups.items.disabled.italic Italic


Showing the popup

Attribute Type Default Description 0.5 Transition duration in seconds (0 = no transition)

Resizing the popup

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.transition.resize.duration 0.5 Transition duration in seconds (0 = no transition)


Displayed to highlight the popup content element below the cursor. You can specify a resource from a loaded library. If no resource is specified, a rectangle of the element's size will be displayed.

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.selected.symbol null Resource from a loaded library. The resource will be stretched to fit the element size
popups.selected.color 0xFFFFFF Rectangle color
popups.selected.alpha 0.15 Rectangle transparency. Between 0 and 1


Attribute Type Default Description
popups.border.color 0x000000 Border color
popups.border.size 0 Border thickness
popups.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1


Attribute Type Default Description
popups.background.color 0x000000 Background color
popups.background.alpha 0.9 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1

Popup shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.shadow.color 0x000000 Shadow color
popups.shadow.size 8 Shadow size in pixels
popups.shadow.angle 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
popups.shadow.alpha 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

"No result" snippet

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.noresult.icon _#gfxIconInfo Resource from a loaded library


Formats the text displayed by the "No result" snippet.

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.noresult.label.font Font name
popups.noresult.label.size Font size
popups.noresult.label.color 0x999999 No result color
popups.noresult.label.bold Bold
popups.noresult.label.italic Italic

"Loading" snippet

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.loading.icon _#gfxLoadingAnimation Resource from a loaded library displayed while loading popup content


Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.loading.label.font Font name
popups.loading.label.size Font size
popups.loading.label.color 0x999999 Font color
popups.loading.label.bold Bold
popups.loading.label.italic Italic

"Load more" snippet

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.more.icon _#gfxIconPlus Resource from a loaded library


Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.more.label.font Font name
popups.more.label.size Font size
popups.more.label.color 0xFFFFFF Load more label color
popups.more.label.bold Bold
popups.more.label.italic Italic

Close button

The popup close button is displayed when the popup is displayed in "light" mode.

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.close.up _#gfxButtonCloseInsetOff Button Up state
popups.close.over _#gfxButtonCloseInsetHover Button Over state
popups.close.down _#gfxButtonCloseInsetDown Button Down state
popups.close.disabled _#gfxButtonCloseInsetDisabled Button Disabled state


Line that separates content elements in a popup.

Attribute Type Default Description
popups.separator.color 0x333333
popups.separator.size 1 Thickness
popups.separator.alpha 1 Transparency. Between 0 and 1

Table of Contents

These styles define the look and feel of the table of contents popup.

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.width 500 Width of the popup in pixels
toc.indent 16 Level indentation
toc.pagenumbers true Display page numbers


Label text format

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.items.label.font Font name
toc.items.label.size Font size
toc.items.label.color Font color
toc.items.label.bold Bold
toc.items.label.italic Italic

Page number text format

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.items.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.items.pagenumber.size 10 Page number size
toc.items.pagenumber.color 0x999999 Page number color
toc.items.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.items.pagenumber.italic Italic

Level formats

The table of contents can display up to 6 nested levels of items.

Level 1


Inherit from toc.label

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level1.label.font Font name
toc.levels.level1.label.size 18 Font size
toc.levels.level1.label.color Font color
toc.levels.level1.label.bold true Bold
toc.levels.level1.label.italic Italic
Page number

Inherit from toc.pagenumber

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level1.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.levels.level1.pagenumber.size Font size
toc.levels.level1.pagenumber.color Font color
toc.levels.level1.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.levels.level1.pagenumber.italic Italic

Level 2


Inherit from toc.label

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level2.label.font Font name
toc.levels.level2.label.size 16 Font size
toc.levels.level2.label.color Font color
toc.levels.level2.label.bold true Bold
toc.levels.level2.label.italic Italic
Page number

Inherit from toc.pagenumber

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level2.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.levels.level2.pagenumber.size Font size
toc.levels.level2.pagenumber.color Font color
toc.levels.level2.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.levels.level2.pagenumber.italic Italic

Level 3


Inherit from toc.label

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level3.label.font Font name
toc.levels.level3.label.size 14 Font size
toc.levels.level3.label.color Font color
toc.levels.level3.label.bold Bold
toc.levels.level3.label.italic Italic
Page number

Inherit from toc.pagenumber

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level3.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.levels.level3.pagenumber.size Font size
toc.levels.level3.pagenumber.color Font color
toc.levels.level3.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.levels.level3.pagenumber.italic Italic

Level 4


Inherit from toc.label

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level4.label.font Font name
toc.levels.level4.label.size 12 Font size
toc.levels.level4.label.color Font color
toc.levels.level4.label.bold Bold
toc.levels.level4.label.italic Italic
Page number

Inherit from toc.pagenumber

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level4.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.levels.level4.pagenumber.size Font size
toc.levels.level4.pagenumber.color Font color
toc.levels.level4.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.levels.level4.pagenumber.italic Italic

Level 5


Inherit from toc.label

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level5.label.font Font name
toc.levels.level5.label.size 11 Font size
toc.levels.level5.label.color Font color
toc.levels.level5.label.bold Bold
toc.levels.level5.label.italic Italic
Page number

Inherit from toc.pagenumber

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level5.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.levels.level5.pagenumber.size Font size
toc.levels.level5.pagenumber.color Font color
toc.levels.level5.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.levels.level5.pagenumber.italic Italic

Level 6


Inherit from toc.label

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level6.label.font Font name
toc.levels.level6.label.size 9 Font size
toc.levels.level6.label.color Font color
toc.levels.level6.label.bold Bold
toc.levels.level6.label.italic Italic
Page number

Inherit from toc.pagenumber

Attribute Type Default Description
toc.levels.level6.pagenumber.font Font name
toc.levels.level6.pagenumber.size Font size
toc.levels.level6.pagenumber.color Font color
toc.levels.level6.pagenumber.bold Bold
toc.levels.level6.pagenumber.italic Italic

Related publications

These styles define the look and feel of the related publications popup.

Attribute Type Default Description
related.width 500 Width of the popup in pixels



Formats the item thumbnails in the related publications popup.

Attribute Type Default Description
related.items.thumbnail.size 75 Thumbnail width in pixels. The height of the thumbnail will be calculated according to the publication aspect ratio


Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
related.items.title.font Font name
related.items.title.size Font size
related.items.title.color Font color
related.items.title.bold true Bold
related.items.title.italic Italic


Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
related.items.text.font Font name
related.items.text.size Font size
related.items.text.color 0x999999 Font color
related.items.text.bold Bold
related.items.text.italic Italic


These styles define the look and feel of the search popup

Attribute Type Default Description
search.width 500 Width of the popup in pixels

Result item


Attribute Type Default Description
search.items.thumbnail.size 75 Thumbnail width in pixels. The height of the thumbnail will be calculated according to the publication aspect ratio

Page number

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
search.items.title.font Font name
search.items.title.size Font size
search.items.title.color Font color
search.items.title.bold true Bold
search.items.title.italic Italic

Result snippet

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
search.items.text.font Font name
search.items.text.size Font size
search.items.text.color 0x999999 Description color
search.items.text.bold Bold
search.items.text.italic Italic


Attribute Type Default Description
search.items.highlight.css 0xFFFF00 Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) for highlighting the search query in the result snippet


These styles define the look and feel of the sharing popup.

Share option icons

Attribute Type Default Description
share.icons.facebook _#gfxIconFacebook Resource from a loaded library displayed while loading popup content
share.icons.twitter _#gfxIconTwitter Resource from a loaded library displayed while loading popup content _#gfxIconEmail Resource from a loaded library displayed while loading popup content
share.icons.embed _#gfxIconEmbed Resource from a loaded library displayed while loading popup content
share.icons.url _#gfxIconLink Resource from a loaded library displayed while loading popup content

Item label

Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
share.text.font Font name
share.text.size Font size
share.text.color 0xDDDDDD Font color
share.text.bold Bold
share.text.italic Italic

Copy notification

When the user copies the publication's HTML embed code, a notification is displayed in the popup.

Attribute Type Default Description
share.copy.icon _#gfxIconValid Resource from a loaded library


Inherit from popups.text

Attribute Type Default Description
share.copy.label.font Font name
share.copy.label.size Font size
share.copy.label.color 0xA0C179 Font color
share.copy.label.bold Bold
share.copy.label.italic Italic


These styles define the look and feel of lightboxes.

Attribute Type Default Description
lightbox.width 0.94 Width of the lightbox as percentage of the viewport width
lightbox.height 0.94 Height of the lightbox as percentage of the viewport height
lightbox.verticalmargin 15 Minimum vertical margin around the lightbox
lightbox.horizontalmargin 15 Minimum horizontal margin around the lightbox
lightbox.verticalpadding 8 Vertical padding
lightbox.horizontalpadding 8 Horizontal padding


Showing the lightbox

Attribute Type Default Description 0.3 Transition duration in seconds (0 = no transition)


Attribute Type Default Description
lightbox.border.color 0x000000 Border color
lightbox.border.size 0 Border thickness
lightbox.border.alpha Border transparency. Between 0 and 1


Attribute Type Default Description
lightbox.background.color 0x000000 Background color
lightbox.background.alpha 0.9 Background transparency. Between 0 and 1

Lightbox shadow

Attribute Type Default Description
lightbox.shadow.color 0x000000 Shadow color
lightbox.shadow.size 8 Shadow size in pixels
lightbox.shadow.angle 45 Shadow angle in degrees starting from the right and going clockwise
lightbox.shadow.alpha 0.5 Shadow transparency. Between 0 and 1

Close button

The lightbox close button

Attribute Type Default Description
lightbox.close.up _#gfxButtonCloseInsetOff Button Up state
lightbox.close.over _#gfxButtonCloseInsetHover Button Over state
lightbox.close.down _#gfxButtonCloseInsetDown Button Down state
lightbox.close.disabled _#gfxButtonCloseInsetDisabled Button Disabled state



Action Description
left If the publication reading mode is "LTR" (left-to-right), go to the next page. If the publication direction is "RTL" (right-to-left), go to the previous page. If you are using arrows as navigation icons, it is strongly advised to use left instead of nextPage for "LTR" publication and previousPage for "RTL" publication.
right If the publication reading mode is "LTR" (left-to-right), go to the previous page. If the publication direction is "RTL" (right-to-left), go to the next page. If you are using arrows as navigation icons, it is strongly advised to use right instead of previousPage for "LTR" publication and nextPage for "RTL" publication.
fullleft If the publication reading mode is "LTR" (left-to-right), go to the last page. If the publication direction is "RTL" (right-to-left), go to the first page. If you are using arrows as navigation icons, it is strongly advised to use fullleft instead of lastPage for "LTR" publication and firstPage for "RTL" publication.
fullright If the publication reading mode is "LTR" (left-to-right), go to the first page. If the publication direction is "RTL" (right-to-left), go to the last page. If you are using arrows as navigation icons, it is strongly advised to use fullright instead of firstPage for "LTR" publication and lastPage for "RTL" publication.
previousPage Goes to the previous page
nextPage Goes to the next page
firstPage Goes to the front cover
lastPage Goes to the back cover
page#n Goes to page n
url#u|t Goes to the URL u using target t (either _blank, _top, _self, _overlay)
read#b Goes to the publication b


Action Description
submenu Displays a submenu


Action Description
book Displays the pageflip view
slide Displays the slide view
scroll Displays the scroll view
thumbnails Displays the publication overview using thumbnails


Action Description
share Displays the share option panel
shareOnFacebook Opens the Facebook sharing page
shareOnTwitter Opens the Twitter sharing page
shareOnLinkedIn Opens the LinkedIn sharing page
shareOnPinterest Opens the Pinterest sharing page
shareOnTumblr Opens the Tumblr sharing page
shareByEmail Opens a new email containing the URL of the publication


Action Description
zoom Displays the zoom option panel
zoomIn Increase the zoom level
zoomOut Decrease the zoom level
zoomDrag Switch the zoom drag mode to manual
zoomCursor Switch the zoom drag mode to automatic


Action Description
volume Displays the volume option panel
volumeUp Increase the volume level
volumeDown Decrease the volume level
audioPlay Enable the background sound and sound fx playback
audioPause Disable the background sound and sound fx playback


Action Description
print Displays the printing option panel
printPage Prints the current double page for the book view and the current page for the other views (only available to PREMIUM and PLATINUM accounts)
printAll Prints the entire publication (only available to PLATINUM accounts)


Action Description
toc Displays the table of contents, when available
related Displays a list of related publications
search Displays the search panel
fullscreen Displays the publication in fullscreen mode
download Downloads the original document
mini Triggers the miniCalameo action


Behaviors allow you to customize your publication design even further by adding special effects.

Common attributes

Attribute Default Description
showOnView book,index,slide,scroll Specifies in which views the element is displayed. It can be either book, index, slide, scroll or a comma separated list of views (ex: book,slide).
showOnMode normal,fullscreen Specifies in which modes the element is displayed. It can be either mini, normal, fullscreen or a comma separated list of modes (ex: normal,fullscreen).
showOnState normal,zoom Specifies in which states the element is displayed. It can be either normal or zoom.
showOnPages first-last Specifies on which pages the element is displayed. It can be either a page number (ex: 3), a range of pages (ex: 1-9), first for the first page, last for the last page or a comma separated list of pages (ex: 1,7-9,last).
showOnDirection ltr,rtl Specifies in which direction the element is displayed. It can be either ltr (left to right), rtl.
behaviors A comma separated list of behavior references or group (ex: fade,sound+cursor). Behaviors separated by a comma are triggered one after the other. Behaviors in a group are triggered simultaneously.

You can group behaviors together so that they will be triggered simultaneously.

To group behaviors, simply use the + symbol.


<layout behaviors="fade+sound" ></layout>


Custom behaviors

Custom behaviors allow you define the effects added to your publications.


Attribute Description
name Reference of the custom behavior to use in the behaviors attribute
fx Behavior to use


<behavior name="fxhover" fx="hover" tolerance="220" from="20" to="100" on="both" duration="500"/>


Show/hide elements according to the viewport width/height

Attribute Type Default Description
type show Define the action to apply. Either show or hide
orientation horizontal Define what viewport size to use. Either horizontal or vertical
from 0 Minimum viewport size to apply the action
to 0 Maximum viewport size to apply the action


<behavior name="fx1" fx="screen" type="hide" orientation="horizontal" to="500" />
Hide the element until the viewport is at least 500 pixels wide.


Show and hide the element using a fade transition.

Attribute Type Default Description
min 0 Minimum opacity between 0 and 100
max 100 Maximum opacity between 0 and 100
duration 500 Duration of the transition in milliseconds


<behavior name="fx1" fx="fade" min="0" max="100" duration="300" />


Play an MP3 sound file.

Attribute Type Default Description
on both Event that triggers the transition. It can be either show, hide or both
url Absolute URL of the MP3 sound file to play
volume 100 Sound volume between 0 and 100, in percentage of the global volume level


<behavior name="fx2" fx="sound" volume="50" url="" />


Change the cursor for a specified graphic resource.

Attribute Type Default Description
on mousemove Event that triggers the cursor change. It can be either mousemove or click
symbol Name of a graphic resource from a loaded library
source Absolute URL of the graphic resource to use
hidemouse false Hide the mouse cursor leaving only the custom cursor. Either true or false


<behavior name="fx3" fx="cursor" on="mousemove" url="" />


Show and hide the element when the cursor is over it.

Attribute Type Default Description
on both Action to perform when the cursor is in the area. Either show or hide
duration 0 Duration of the appear/fade transition in milliseconds (ms)
from 0 Transparency when the cursor is not over the element from 0 to 100
to 100 Transparency when the cursor is over the element from 0 to 100
tolerance 0 Expands the area on each side (in pixels)


<behavior name="fx4" fx="hover" />


Add a drop shadow to the element.

Attribute Type Default Description
color 0x000000 Color of the shadow
alpha 100 Shadow opacity between 0 and 100
size 8 Size of the shadow
distance 4 Distance from the element
angle 45 Angle in degrees of the shadow between 0 and 360
inner false Apply the shadow inside the element. Either true or false


<behavior name="fx1" fx="shadow" color="0xFF0000" alpha="50" size="6" />

Resources & Examples


Useful resources to work with custom skins.




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